JAFAX is expanding its interactive offerings to include its very first Ribbon Game! A hugely popular anime-con activity, the Ribbon Game invites people of all ages to collect badge ribbons throughout the entire weekend, creating a lasting memento of panels and events attended, challenges met, and activities enjoyed.
JAFAX invites all panelists, vendors, artists, special guests, and attendees to become JAFAX Ribbon Game Dealers! A catalog of all ribbons available to be collected will be created and kept at the JAFAX Merchandise Booth in the Exhibition Hall. Each ribbon will list its dealer and the challenge or activity to be completed in order to earn that ribbon.

Don't have any badge ribbons? Join our group ribbon order and place an order for a design of your very own! All ribbons ordered via the JAFAX group order will be available to pick up at Con Ops at JAFAX. However, anybody who already has badge ribbons is welcome to participate in the Ribbon Game! We will open our Ribbon Game Catalog submission form later this spring for anyone who'd like to participate in the Ribbon Game who already has ribbons. Keep an eye on this page and on our social media for updates!