JAFAX Approved
Photographer Program
The JAFAX Approved Photographer Program was created to better serve our attendees and to better ensure their safety. The purpose of this program is to create a database of professional and hobby photographers who meet JAFAX's criteria regarding behavior, etiquette, and professionalism. Those photographers in the Approved Photographer Program will be listed on this web page as photographers JAFAX recommends to those attendees wishing to set up private photo shoots. Approved Photographers would wear a JAFAX Photographer badge for easy identification by attendees. By offering attendees and specifically cosplayers a list of Approved Photographers and the means to recognize them on the JAFAX premises, we hope to dispel worries and concerns regarding exactly who is taking photos during our event.
How Does Someone Apply to Be an Approved Photographer?
Any photographer who would like to receive an Approved Photographer badge will need to fill out the application form. Applications, including the applicants' social-media accounts and photography web sites, will be reviewed by a panel consisting of the JAFAX Photography Coordinator, Executive Promotions Director, Digital Media Director, and Chair or Vice Chair. Those approved will be listed on this page, with a link to their photography web site. Approved Photographers will still need to purchase a weekend or single-day badge, but their Approved Photographer badge will be waiting at Con Ops (photo ID will be required to pick up an Approved Photographer badge).
Applications for the JAFAX 2025 Approved Photographer badge will open on April 16, 2025 and close on June 1, 2025. Please check back for the link to apply!

What Criteria Must Approved Photographers Meet?
The following guidelines must be followed and upheld by all Approved Photographers:
Photographers must be neatly and professionally dressed and using proper hygiene.
Photographers are never allowed to touch any part of a photo subject's body.
No lewd or otherwise inappropriate dialogue is permitted.
Photographers must allow their photo subjects to be accompanied by one or more of their friends and/or family members to their shoot.
Photographers may not set up private shoots off the DeVos Place Community Center grounds.
All photography shoots must be public for the safety of our attendees.
Photographers are prohibited from inviting photo subjects to their hotel rooms, to bars, or to any other type of personal rendezvous or assignation.
No boudoir or suggestive photography is permitted.
Photographers must provide their business card, contact information, and/or social media handles to the people they photograph.
Photographers must clearly communicate to their subjects when they expect to have their photos ready and where to find these photos.
Photographers may not modify or edit a photo subject's appearance without the individual's express approval.
Any costs — for example, a charge of $75 for a half-hour shoot — must be communicated clearly before the shoot begins.
Losing Approved Photographer Status
JAFAX expects that all Approved Photographers will follow and uphold the above criteria. Should negative behaviors occur, these will be handled swiftly by JAFAX staff, including the JAFAX Security Coordinator and/or DeVos Place security if necessary. Negative behaviors that may result in losing Approved Photographer status and even banning from JAFAX include but are not limited to:
Inappropriate or lewd behavior towards an attendee
Stalking an attendee
Refusing to allow friends and/or family to accompany a photo subject to a shoot
Promoting or holding a private shoot off the JAFAX/DeVos Place grounds
Being intoxicated
Inappropriate behavior towards a JAFAX staff member or volunteer
Reports from attendees who feel threatened or unsafe around a specific photographer
Transferring the Approved Photographer badge to another person